- A Standard Baby
- Adopt A Baby
- Advanced Alchemist Armor
- Advanced Caberjack Armor
- Advanced Hunter Armor
- Age
- Age 'n Rage Draught
- Age 'n Rage Draught (research)
- Alchemist
- Alchemist Armor
- Alert
- Arm Wrestling
- Armor
- Armor Boost
- Arthritis
- Asthmatic
- Attuned
- Avenger
- Bad at Trivia
- Bear Strength
- Blastcapper
- Bloodthirsty
- Blunderbow
- Bone Barb Bow
- Boneshell Armor
- Bookworm
- Boom Slinger
- Boomstriker
- Bored
- Bountiful
- Brainy
- Brazen
- Brewtalist
- Broken Hand
- Build a Crucible
- Build a Keep
- Build a Sagewright's Guild
- Bulwark
- Bumbles Survivor
- Burst Bush
- Caber
- Caberjack
- Caberjack Armor
- Cadence
- Cadence Child
- Child-Averse
- Class
- Clearheaded
- Clumsy
- Cocky
- Complications
- Corruption
- Cradle
- Crossbow
- Crucible
- Cult of the Cadence
- Cult of the Cadence (followup)
- Depressed
- Dimwitted
- Disheartened
- Dodging Stockings
- Dodging Stockings (research)
- Double Fine Productions
- Endorsement
- Enforcer
- Equipment
- Experience Boost
- Experience Scarf
- Experience Scarf (research)
- Fainthearted
- Fair Play
- Family Feud
- Family Feud (event)
- Family Ties
- Fertility Boost
- Field Trip
- Flincher
- Haste Hooch
- Haste Hooch (research)
- Hawk Eye
- Health-Conscious
- Health Potion
- Health Vial
- Heart Disease
- Hearty
- Hero
- Hunter
- Hunter Armor
- Impressionable
- Infertile
- Insatiable
- Insightful
- Insightful (unique)
- Inspired
- Intuition
- Irritable
- Item
- Keep
- Kingmaker
- Lapse
- Leg Injury
- Let's Get Some Air
- Log jam
- Lone Wolf
- Longevity
- Longevity Boost
- Mark of Baard
- Mark of Mu'yeer
- Marriage Counseling
- Massive Chalice
- Massive Chalice Wiki
- Massive Chalice Wiki/Bottom section
- Massive Chalice Wiki/Flex section
- Massive Chalice Wiki/Top section
- Might of the Walrus
- Murch's No. 9
- Nation
- Nearsighted
- Nervous
- Nihilistic
- Nimble
- Oblivious
- Optimistic
- Ostrich Vision
- Pack Hunter
- Partner
- Passionless
- Patriotic
- Perilous Core
- Perilous Core (research)
- Personality
- Personality system
- Pessimistic
- Pillar Pitcher
- Puny
- Purple Daze
- Quarantine!
- Queenmaker
- Quick
- Quick Start
- Quick Study
- Ramcap Caber
- Random event
- Rebel
- Reckless
- Recruit New Heroes
- Recruitment Boost
- Refined Alchemist Armor
- Refined Caberjack Armor
- Refined Hunter Armor
- Regent
- Region
- Relic
- Relics in Time!
- Reluctant Lover
- Research
- Reveler
- Riot Control
- Role Model
- Rupture
- Sagewright Guild
- Sagewright or Sagewrong
- School of Hard Knocks
- Seed
- Shadowjack
- Shell Shocked
- Shellshock
- Shifty
- Sickly
- Skipping Stone
- Skipping Stone (research)
- Slow
- Slow Learner
- Sluggish
- Speed
- Sponge Stone
- Sponge Stone (research)
- Sprint
- Spry
- Stalwart
- Status
- Steady Hander
- Steady Hander (research)
- Strategy
- Strong Willed
- System rqirements
- Tactical
- Tavern Hangover
- The Balloon Man
- The Bumbles
- The Capital of Misfit Heroes
- The Commoner's Queen
- The Gap
- The Heirloom
- The Lash
- The Mark
- The Ostrich
- The Ostrich (first followup)
- The Ostrich (second followup)
- The Rally
- The Samaritan
- The Walrus
- The Wanderer
- The Watcher
- Thrower
- Timefist Caber
- Trait
- Trait genetics
- Tranquil
- Trickshot
- Twitcher
- Ultralixir
- Ultralixir (research)
- Unfocused
- Unnerved
- Unstable Carapace Armor
- Veil Armor
- Videos
- Vitaliband
- Vitaliband (research)
- Weapon
- Well-Rested
- Wily
- Withdrawn
- Worldly
- Wrinkler
- Wünderpants
- Wünderpants (research)
- XP
- Young at Heart