Personalities are special qualities possessed by some heroes that can provide meaningful advantages or disadvantages in either the strategy or tactical portion of the game. They are similar to traits in that regard, but personalities are typically acquired through seeding and training, whereas traits are usually acquired at birth via a genetic system.
List of personalities[ | ]
Name | Opposite | Min age | Max age | Description | |||
Alert | Sluggish | Increased evasion against ranged attacks. | |||||
Attuned | Unfocused | Increased resistance to non physical damage. | |||||
Avenger | Fainthearted | Increased damage after the death of an ally. | |||||
Bad at Trivia | Decreased intelligence due to forgetting useless information. | ||||||
Bloodthirsty | Increased stats after securing a kill. | ||||||
Bookworm | Increased Intelligence from reading tons of books! | ||||||
Brazen | Increased accuracy from a brazen personality. | ||||||
Child-Averse | Decreased fertility due to poor experiences with children. | ||||||
Clearheaded | Increased intuition after emptying one's mind of needless thoughts. | ||||||
Cocky | Lowered evasion when at max health. | ||||||
Depressed | Decreased intuition and speed due to profound sadness. | ||||||
Disheartened | Patriotic | Decreased movement speed, accuracy, and evasion. | |||||
Fainthearted | Avenger | Decreased damage after the death of an ally. | |||||
Family Feud | Family Ties | Decreased Accuracy from fighting alongside family enemies! | |||||
Family Ties | Family Feud | Increased Accuracy from fighting alongside family friends! | |||||
Flincher | Wily | Reduced evasion against melee attacks. | |||||
Health-Conscious | Clean living leads to a longer lifespan! | ||||||
Insatiable | Passionless | Increased fertility due to a life full of passion. | |||||
Insightful | Oblivious | Increased Intuition. | |||||
Insightful | Increased intuition by glimpsing one's true nature. | ||||||
Inspired | Increased dexterity, HP, and strength from renewed creativity | ||||||
Irritable | Decreased accuracy from a sour disposition. | ||||||
Lone Wolf | Pack Hunter | Improved stats when no allies are nearby. | |||||
Might of the Walrus | Increased strength from family combat lessons! | ||||||
Nervous | Tranquil | Decreased Accuracy | |||||
Nihilistic | Decreased Intuition from travels. | ||||||
Oblivious | Insightful | Decreased Intuition. | |||||
Optimistic | Pessimistic | True hit chance is probably lower than predicted. | |||||
Pack Hunter | Lone Wolf | Improved stats when all allies are nearby. | |||||
Passionless | Insatiable | Decreased fertility due to a life without passion. | |||||
Patriotic | Disheartened | Increased movement speed, accuracy, and evasion. | |||||
Pessimistic | Optimistic | True hit chance is probably higher than predicted. | |||||
Reckless | Stalwart | This hero's careless manner decreases armor effectiveness. | |||||
Rebel | Personality traits run counter to those of parents and trainers. | ||||||
Reveler | Often drunk or hungover, this hero drinks a little too much a little too often. | ||||||
Shifty | Increased evasion due to questionable activity | ||||||
Sluggish | Alert | Reduced evasion against ranged attacks. | |||||
Stalwart | Reckless | This hero's defensive bearing increases armor effectiveness. | |||||
Tranquil | Nervous | Increased Accuracy | |||||
Unnerved | Decreased accuracy, evasion, and fertility due to rattled nerves. | ||||||
Unfocused | Attuned | Lower resistance to non physical damage. | |||||
Well-Rested | Increased HP from proper sleep. | ||||||
Wily | Flincher | Increased evasion against melee attacks. | |||||
Withdrawn | Personality traits cannot be passed on to other heroes. | ||||||
Worldly | Increased Intelligence from travels. | ||||||
Young at Heart | 30 | A youthful outlook prevents the impact of age on stats. |
Singularity and duality personalities[ | ]
"Singularity" personalities are not paired with any opposite personality. "Duality" personalities, however, have an opposite. It isn't possible for heroes to have both personalities in a duality pair.
Common and unique traits[ | ]
Common personalities have no special requirements to appear on heroes, and as such, they can randomly appear on heroes not trained in keeps. Unique personalities, on the other hand, must be acquired through special means. Currently, the available unique personalities are acquired through certain outcomes of some random events.
Minimum and maximum age[ | ]
Some personalities do not activate until the hero reaches a certain age. Note that an inactive personality is hidden and will not be revealed until the hero reaches the minimum age. The hero may still train others in the personality, however. Thus far, there are no personalities with a maximum age, though such functionality is supported and may be seen in the future.
Acquiring desired and eliminating undesired personalities[ | ]
A hero's personality is influenced by the regent and partner at the keep where he or she trains and by all standards, all of whom count as the hero's trainers. Each trainer has an equal influence on a trainee's personality every day. The total amount of influence on any given personality does not change with the number of trainers; instead, each simply exerts less individual influence. This means for the highest chance of passing on a particular personality, it is best to try to make sure as many trainers as possible.
Personalities in a duality pair are more complicated as influence towards one counteracts influence toward the other. If two of a hero's trainers have opposite personalities and the other trainers have neither, the influence of each is completely cancelled out.
Unless the hero has no progress toward any given personality upon coming of age, which should be rare as some random progress is seeded at birth, one to three personalities will be randomly selected with the odds weighted toward the most trained personalities.